Problems with Immigration Application Processes

Many immigrants looking to become legal residents of this country face various complications. As a result, most individuals, especially non-English speakers face troubles when they look to acquire citizenship.

Working with immigration attorneys is one viable solution to steer clear such problems and ensure a successful process.

The following are some of the many problems faced by immigrants during their application process.

Highly restrictive system

Currently, the percent of legal citizens per capita has reached a historical low. Most importantly, foreign-born residents cannot find a line for authorization and cannot access humanitarian protection. Even when they pay taxes, work hard, and contribute to their respective communities cannot get a legal path to citizenship.

Static quotas

The legal system of quotas hasn’t been updated for the last 30 years. During that time, the United States has witnessed a significant rise in its economy and population. Thus, quotas are non-existent to new residents, as there is no link to economic or population growth for enabling acceptance. 

Micromanagement of demographics

Authorizations treat people based on their place of birth. As a result, citizens of certain nations have to wait decades for their approval, while others get that in a short time. Moreover, former nationals receive 7% of total green cards further complicating the situation since there is no way to escape this system.

Waiting for lines

As cited above, some even wait in lines for decades. This issue is a symptom of insufficient quotas and differential treatment based on a person’s nationality. Some waiting lines have fair reasons, while others are mostly unreasonable because the backlogged files indicate a waiting period that could even stretch to centuries.

Visa denials

Immigrants who have their visas denied can apply to the Administrative Appeals Office. But applications rejected by consular officers cannot be appealed because of the consular non-reviewability doctrine. As a result, even a single visa application denial is enough for courts to turn down immigrants.

Definite solution

Immigration lawyers have years of experience in working with foreign nationals. They understand the needs and prioritize their best interests to eliminate any problems for clients during their visa approval.


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